Types of human parasites and diseases caused by parasites

like what pinworms

Pinwormis often a guest in groups of children. These are the occupants of the small and medium intestine (large intestine up to 1 cm), laying eggs, leaving the rectum, on the folds of skin, underwear and bedding. This happens more often at night, accompanied by severe itching in the anus. Pinworm eggs mature after 4-6 hours and are ready to cause disease, they are perfectly preserved in the environment. They enter the human body with dust, with dirty hands, through soft toys, underwear, plates.

Make a diagnosis - scraping of the skin around the anus and examination performed under a microscope is required, at least 3 times at intervals of 3 days.

When pinworm eggs are found, the entire infected family should be examined.

In the world, about 350 million people are infected with enterobiasis, when one family member is infected, the risk of the disease for all households is very high.

Toxocara - parasite

Toxocarais a parasite in the dog's digestive system. In the United States and Europe, 80% of puppies and more than 50% of adult dogs have toxocariasis. Human surveys show that up to 37% of the population is sensitive to Toxocara antigens. This means that these people are or are now carriers of toxins.

Toxocara is up to 30 cm long, in this form it lives on the body of its owner - a dog. The dog releases a toksokar egg to the sand, the ground, where it can survive for several years. With sand, they fall into the hands of children playing in sandboxes, and even cling to shoes and clothing. Being a person is a dead end for parasites, as larvae mature, spreading through channels and internal organs, but not protruding.

To make a diagnosis, stool analysis is completely uninformative, biopsy of the affected organ (usually the liver) and immunological tests are required.

The most tragic is the absorption of toxins into the eyes (from 15% of cases of eye drops in the world due to toxocara), injuries to the lungs, heart, brain, muscles are also unpleasant - fever, cough, enlarged liver, inflammation of the lymph nodes, skin rashes, nervous and mental disorders, seizures.

Ascaris - parasite

ringworm in the human body

Ascaris- affects up to 100 million people each year. It enters a person with food (usually uncooked ingredients, vegetables and fruits), with raw water, dirty hands, dust, and is actively carried by flies. The length of the ringworm is up to 40 cm, one female ringworm daily produces up to 200, 000 eggs, which enter the soil and are kept in it for many years. The swallowed roundworm eggs turn into larvae in the small intestine, then penetrate into the intestinal wall, enter the blood capillaries, and are carried to the liver, brain, eyes, heart and lungs. In the process of movement, the ringworm eats blood - erythrocytes and nutrients. Anemia (anemia) is a frequent companion of ascariasis.

Larval migration causes allergies in humans, pain throughout the body, fever, increased risk of asthma, arthritis, neurodermatitis, eczema, seizures. If it enters the lungs due to rupture of blood vessels, bleeding and hemoptysis are possible, on x-rays - infiltration, as in the process of tuberculosis.

Moving along the bronchi to the pharynx, the ringworm with sputum enters the mouth, and from there - to the esophagus, stomach and intestines. In the intestine, ringworms are retained, leaning against the intestinal wall, causing inflammation, infiltration and bleeding. Complications may occur when ringworm enters the sinuses of the nose, liver, bile ducts, pancreas and kidneys. There is intestinal obstruction, a supurative process in the abdominal cavity. Diagnosis is made based on fecal analysis (at least 3 times), immunological tests - in the larval period.

Hookworm - parasite

Hookworm- can enter a person through the skin when walking barefoot (it leaves no trace), as well as, like a ringworm, through the mouth. The size of tapeworms - up to 1. 5 cm, move and harm in the same way as tapeworms. One feature is symptoms such as an itchy rash on the limbs, and more pronounced anemia.

Stool analysis, like most intrusions, should be done at least 3 times.

Broadband - parasites

broad tapeworms in the human body

Wide tapewormis a large long heart,the length of an individual is up to 10 meters, life expectancy in the human body up to 25 years.Can you imagine what would happen to someone if there were some great centenarians in it?

Imagine how the worm twisted in the gut, how little space is left in the lumen of the human intestine! If the worm is "straightened", then half its length will hang! By the way, the worm absorbs all the necessary and useful substances for himself by the entire surface of the body.

You can get infected by eating raw fish, shrimp and raw caviar, not salty enough. Symptoms of the presence of tapeworms can be anemia, fatigue, abdominal pain, especially signs such as increased saliva in the morning, vomiting, nausea, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness should be observed. Intestinal obstruction may occur.

A very amazing effect on the unprepared person is produced by the release of a "tail" of parasites severed from the intestine - this is a characteristic of tapeworm that helps in making a diagnosis.

Pig tapeworms and pigs are parasites

Pig ribs and pigs are parasites that enter the human body with raw meat, meat products, lard.

Cattle tapeworm length up to 7 meters, pig tapeworm up to 2 meters, lifespan up to 20 years, and the main danger is in larval migration, which is able to penetrate even to the eyes and brain.

Echinococcus and Alveococcus - parasites

echinococcus and alveococcus in the body

Echinococcus and alveococcus are parasites that a person becomes infected through contact with animal carriers, drinking contaminated water, swallowing soil with berries and vegetables.

Larvae from the intestine are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, entering the liver, lungs, kidneys, bones, and brain. The larvae turn into cysts, which grow by pushing and squeezing the surrounding tissue. Symptoms depend on the location of the cyst and the degree of compression of the organ.

Cyst rupture is a terrible complication.

Giardia - parasite

Giardiais the simplest parasitic animal of the flagellate class. It is pear-shaped, 10–20 panjangm long; the back is convex, the ventral side concave and forms a suction cup for temporary adhesion to the host intestinal epithelial cells. 2 oblong nuclei, 4 pairs of flagella. It lives in the human intestine (especially in children), especially in the duodenum, more rarely in the bile ducts and gallbladder, causing giardiasis. Carriers of asymptomatic parasites are common. Infection with cysts occurs when protozoa enter the lower intestine through the mouth when contaminated food or water enters the body, as well as through dirty hands, etc. The incident was sporadic. Giardiasis is common all over the world.